Resolution No. 001-2024: Amendment to Contraceptive Supply Limits
Resolution No. 002-2024: Amendment to Resolution No. 031-2023 - Creation of 2024 Committee Structure and Appointments of Committee Members  
Resolution No. 003-2024: Dissolution of the "Owning Your Own Health Committee" for the GTCMHIC
Resolution No. 004-2024: Adoption of Amendments to the 2024 Budget
Resolution No. 005-2024: Amendment to Resolution No. 007-2020 - Adoption of Consortium Procurement Policy and Request for Proposal Guidelines
Resolution No. 006-2024: Amendment to Resolution No. 008-2013 and Resolution No. 034-2018 Designation of Banking Institutions
Resolution No. 007-2024: Management of Invented Funds Within the GTCMHIC
Resolution No. 008-2024: Adoption of Amended Invoice Payment Procedure (Replacing Procedure Adopted December 15, 2021) by the Audit and Finance Committee
Resolution No. 009-2024: Amendment to Resolution No. 013-2022 - Clarification Regarding Participant Medicare-Aged Retirees in Relation to MCA Requirement
Resolution No. 010-2024: Acceptance of Medical Claims Audit Reports
Resolution No. 011-2024: Resolution Approval of Risk Assessment Performed by FoxPointe Solutions for GTCMHIC
Resolution No. 012-2024: Approval of Information Security Policies and Procedures for the GTCMHIC
Resolution No. 013-2024: Appointment to Replace CFO for GTCMHIC
Resolution No. 014-2024: Acceptance of 2023 External Audit Report Performed

Resolution No. 015-2024: Modification of 2024 Agreement and Appointment of Locey & Cahill, LLC, Consulting as GTCMHIC "Broker of Record"
Resolution No. 016-2024: Adoption of "Social Media" Policy for GTCMHIC
Resolution No. 017-2024: Adoption of "Subscriber and Dependent Enrollment Audit" Policy for GTCMHIC
Resolution No. 018-2024: Amendment to Resolution No. 031-2023 - Appointments of Wendy Cole, Scott Steve, Amie Hendrix, and Melissa Greenthal
Resolution No. 019-2024: Amendment to Resolution 013-2024 - Announcement of Individual to Replace Chief Fiscal Officer for GTCMHIC

Resolution No. 020-2024: Acceptance of Prescription Drugs/RX Claims Audit Report
Resolution No. 021-2024: Approval to Adopt the Premium Payment Policy
Resolution No. 022-2024: Creation and Revision of Position(s) - Senior Benefits Specialist, Benefits Manager, and Benefits Specialist
Resolution No. 023-2024: Adoption of "Meetings Policy and Benefits Procedures"
Resolution No. 024-2024: New York State Mandated Insulin Copays Adjustment
Resolution No. 025-2024: Amendment to Resolution 018-2020 Metal Level Plan Benefits for 2025


Motion No. 001-2024: Motion to Approve the Existing Disclosing Wrongful Conduct (Whistleblower) Policy
Motion No. 002-2024: Motion to Approve with Corrections "Guest Invitation/Speaking and Public Comments at GTCMHIC Meetings" Policy
Motion No. 003-2024 Motion to present a resolution to the Executive Committee, on behalf of the Board of Directors, recommending, filing, and appointing open seats of standing committees

Motion No. 004-2024: Approval of Joint Committee Board of Director Labor Representatives (Chuck Guild and Jason Preston)
Motion No. 005-2024: Approval of Amendment to Joint Committee Bylaws 

Resolution No. 001-2023: Amendment to Resolution No. 022-2022 - Creation of 2023 Committee Structure and Appointments of Committee Members - Weinstein, Pulliam, DeVoe, and Sosnowski 
Resolution No. 002-2023: Authorize Contract for Medical Claims Adjudication for Plan Years 2020 and 2021
Resolution No. 003-2023: Approval of Contract to Enter Into An Agreement with Lifetime Benefit Solutions to Prepare Documents 
Resolution No. 004-2023: Ratification of Permanent Appointment of Benefits Specialist - Kylie Rodrigues

Resolution No. 005-2023: GTCMHIC Update to Subcommittees for Videoconferencing OML
Resolution No. 006-2023: Temporary Appointment of Judith Drake, As Audit and Finance Committee Chairperson
Resolution No. 007-2023: Amendment to Resolution 034-2021 Adoption of Amended Invoice Payment Procedure (Replacing Procedure Adopted 12/5/2021), by the Audit and Finance Committee

Resolution No. 008-2023: Adoption of Amendments to the 2023 Budget
Resolution No. 009-2023: Authorizing Extension of Office Space Lease Agreement with the Town of Ithaca

Resolution No. 010-2023: Authorizing a Lease Agreement with 408 Upland Road LLC for GTCMHIC at 408 East Upland Road, Ithaca, NY  14850
Resolution No. 010B-2023: Adoption of Cyber Security Audit and Review of Business Continuity Plan
Resolution No. 011-2023: Resolution of Appreciation of Steve Thayer's Dedicated Years of Service to the Consortium
Resolution No. 012-2023: Dissolution of the Audit & Finance Committee and Formation of an "Audit Committee" and a "Finance Committee" for the GTCMHIC

Resolution No. 013-2023: Directing Executive Director and Staff to Complete the City of Ithaca's Dependent Certification Audit
Resolution No. 014-2023: Authorizing Medicare Advantage Pass-Through Benefits - Aetna
Resolution No. 015-2023: Authorize Contract for Prescription Drug Claims Adjudication for the Plan Years 2021, 2022, and YTD 2023

Resolution No. 016-2023: Establishing a Capitalization Policy to Establish the Principles Related to the Accounting Treatment of the GTCMHIC's Capital Assets
Resolution No. 017-2023: Modification to Locey & Cahill's Consulting Services Agreement to Review Premium Tier Models
Resolution No. 018-2023: Approval to Update the GTCMHIC's Notice of Privacy Practices and Policy
Resolution No. 019-2023: Approval of Contract to Enter into an Agreement with Lifetime Benefit Solutions to Manage COBRA Administration for Small Group Municipal Members Only
Resolution No. 020-2023: Authorization for the Executive Director to Enter an Agreement for Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Services"

Resolution No. 021-2023: Adoption of Revised Executive Committee Bylaws to Include the Formation of the "Audit Committee" and "Finance Committee" for the GTCMHIC
Resolution No. 022-2023: Approval of Amended 2024 Municipal Cooperative Agreement to Include New Participants 
Resolution No. 023-2023: Authorization to Execute an Agreement with Excellus BCBS as the 2024 Pharmacy Benefits Manager for the GTCMHIC
Resolution No. 024-2023: Accept Applications by the Towns of Brutus, West Monroe, and Locke; City of Geneva; Village of Fair Haven to Become Participants in the GTCMHIC
Resolution No. 025-2023: Acceptance to Withdraw the Town of Onondaga as a Participants in the GTCMHIC and to be Omitted within the 2024 MCA
Resolution No. 026-2023: Acceptance to Withdraw the Town of Niles as a Participant with the GTCMHIC
Resolution No. 027-2023: Acceptance of 2022 External Audit Report Performed by Insero & Co, LLP
Resolution No. 028-2023: Annual Premium Increase Target and Utilization of the Rate Stabilization Reserve 
Resolution No. 029-2023: Adoption of Budget, Premium Rates, and Reserve Amounts for 2024
Resolution No. 030-2023: Election 2024 Consortium Officers 
Resolution No. 031-2023: Creation of 2024 Committee Structure and Appointments of Members 
Resolution No. 032-2023: Approval of Adjustments to the Silver High Deductible Health 
Resolution No. 033-2023: Approval of Adjustments to the Gold High Deductible Health 
Resolution No. 034-2023: Amendment of All Hearing Aid Benefits 
Resolution No. 035-2023: Approval of 2024 Consortium Cost of Living Wage Scale Increases
Resolution No .036-2023: Amendment of Resolution No. 031-2023 Appointments of Lisa Henty to Finance Committee and Krissie Brown to Claims and Appeals
Resolution No. 037-2023: Resolution of Appreciation of Ed Fairbrother's Dedicated Years of Service to the GTCMHIC 
Resolution No. 038-2023: Resolution of Appreciation of Eric L. Snow's Dedicated Years of Service to the GTCMHIC

Resolution No. 039-2023: Authorization to Sign Engagement Letter with Guy Krough, Esq., Thaler and Thaler, P.C., for Professional Advice and Services
Resolution No. 040-2023: Authorizing Healthcare Benefits Renewal (Administrative Services Agreement) with Third Party Administrator - BCBS
Resolution No. 041-2023: Authorize Purchase of Stop Loss Insurance for 2024
Resolution No. 042-2023: Authorization to Enter into an Agreement with Foxpointe Solutions for Support with Cybersecurity
Resolution No. 043-2023: Authorization to Enter into Agreement with Bonadio & Co., LLP - Financial Reporting 2024-2026
Resolution No. 044-2023: Authorizing Information Technology Services Agreement with Tompkins County - January 1, 2024 thru December 31, 2024
Resolution No. 045-2023: Authorization to Purchase Insurance Policies; Errors and Omissions, Directors and Officers Liability, Employment Protection Coverage, and Fidelity Bond
Resolution No. 046-2023: Authorizing Contract for Actuarial Services - Risk Strategies - Fiscal Years 2023 and 2024
Resolution No. 047-2023: Acceptance of the Village of Watkins Glen Requesting an Extension to a Three-Year Waiver from Compliance Granted by the GTCMHIC
Resolution No. 048-2023: Approval of New Contract for Plan Consultant - Locey & Cahill, LLC - January 1, 2024 thru December 31, 2024
Resolution No. 049-2023: Authorization for Contract with Insero & Co. for the Provision of Financial Auditing Services - Fiscal Year 2023
Resolution No. 050-2023: Complete and Close 2022 Dependent Audit
Resolution No. 051-2023: Amendment to Resolution No. 032-2022 that Amended Resolution No. 011-2020 "Authorization by the BOD to Remove Benefit Plans from the Consortium's Menu of Benefit Plan Offerings" by Restricting Plan Enrollment 
Resolution No. 052-2023: Amendment of Outdated Resolution No. 001-2017 "Adoption of GTCMHIC Records Retention Policy and Adopt the Updated LGS-1 Featuring Records for the General Administration of All Local Government NY State Archives
Resolution No. 053-2023: Amendment of Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy Visit Limits for All Metal Level Plans 

Motion No. 001-2023: Motion to Advance the Proposal from Excellus to Audit and Finance Committee for Recommendation and Approval
Motion No. 002-2023: Motion to Approve the Proposal of the "New Plan Addition Form" for use by Municipalities to the GTCMHIC 
Motion No. 003-2023: Motion to Consider ESI EAP (of whom offers "Total Care EAP") as a Consortium-wide Benefit Provider for EAP Services for Use by Municipalities of the GTCMHIC
Motion No. 004-2023: Motion to Move Appeal 2023-001 to the Joint Committee and the Executive Committee on Behalf of the Board of Directors 

Resolution No. 001-2022:  Amendment to Resolution No. 014-2021 - Creation of 2022 Committee Structure and Appointment of Members 
Resolution No. 002-2022:  Resolution No. 002-2022 - Authorizing Extension of Office Space Lease Agreement with the Town of Ithaca 
Resolution No. 003-2022:  Adoption of Amendments to the 2022 Budget
Resolution No. 004-2022:  Rescinding Resolution No. 009-2020 and Renaming the Catastrophic Claims Reserve to Catastrophic Claims Self-Insurance Pool
Resolution No. 005-2022:  Adoption of Open Meetings Law Procedures for the Consortium's Board of Directors and Committees
Resolution No. 006-2022:  Resolution of Appreciation of Michelle Cocco's Dedicated Years of Service to the Consortium
Resolution No. 007-2022:  Appointment of Clerk of the Board - Lynne Sheldon
Resolution No. 008-2022:  Adoption of Amended Online Enrollment Policy and Commercial Group Health Insurance Application/Change Form
Resolution No. 009-2022:  Adoption of Policy Regarding Reinstatement or Termination of Members
Resolution No. 010-2022:  Adoption of Business Continuity and Disaster Response Plan - 2022
Resolution No. 011-2022:  Amendment of Rate Stabilization Reserve Policy to Define Claims  
Resolution No. 012-2022:  Authorization to Participate in NYCLASS
Resolution No. 013-2022:  Clarification Regarding Participant Medicare-Aged Retirees in Relation to Municipal Cooperative Agreement (MCA) Requirement

Resolution No. 014-2022:  Adoption of Amended Application Process 
Resolution No. 015-2022:  Create Job Classification System and Wage Scale for the GTCMHIC
Resolution No. 016-2022:  Amendment to Resolution No. 014- 2021 Creation of 2022 Committee Structure and Appointments of Members - Appointment of Kate DeVoe to Audit and Finance Committee

Resolution No. 017-2022:  Adoption of Amendment to Investment Management Policy
Resolution No. 018-2022:  Approval to Secure Contract with the Segal Company to Commence a Parallel Premium Equivalency Rating Exercise
Resolution No. 019-2022:  Resolution of Appreciation of Judith (Judy) Drake's Dedicated Years of Service to the Consortium 
Resolution No. 020-2022:  Resolution of Appreciation of Richard C. Snyder's Dedicated Years of Service to the Consortium

Resolution No. 021-2022:  Election of 2023 Consortium Officers 
Resolution No. 022-2022:  Creation of 2023 Committee Structure and Appointments of Members

Resolution No. 023-2022:  Approval of the 2023 Municipal Cooperative Agreement to Include the Addition of New Participants in Section A 2 and to the Proposed Changes to Sections A3, F 5(G) and I 1
Resolution No. 024-2022:  Acceptance of Applications By the Towns of Camillus, Dewitt, Onondaga, and Hastings, The Villages of Camillus and Skaneateles, and the Dewitt Fire District, To Become Participants in the GTCMHIC Effective January 1, 2023
Resolution No. 025-2022:  Acceptance of Applications By the Town of DeRuyter, To Become Participants in the GTCMHIC Effective January 1, 2023
Resolution No. 026-2022: Authorize Extension of Contract for Prescription Drug Claims Administrator for 2023- ProAct
Resolution No. 027-2022: Authorizing Healthcare Benefits Renewal (Administrative Services Agreement) with Third Party Administrator - Excellus BlueCross BlueShield
Resolution No. 028-2022: Adoption of Budget, Premium Rates, and Reserve Amounts for 2023

Resolution No. 029-2022: Approval of Adjustments to the Silver High Deductible Health Plan
Resolution No. 030-2022: Actuarial Value Standard Deviation Amendment 
Resolution No. 031-2022: Authorizing Medicare Advantage Pass-Through Benefits -Aetna

Resolution No. 032-2022: Amendment to Resolution No. 011-2020 "Authorization by the Board of Directors to Remove Benefit Plans from the Consortium's Menu of Benefit Plan Offerings" by Restricting Plan Enrollment
Resolution No. 033-2022: Directive to Prescription Benefit Manager - Medicare Supplement Immunization and Insulin Products Benefit
Resolution No. 034-2022: Approval of New Contract for Plan Consultant - Locey & Cahill , LLC January 1 to December 31, 2023
Resolution No. 035-2022: Extending Contract for Actuarial Service - Armory Associates- Fiscal Year 2022
Resolution No. 036-2022: Extension of Contract for Investment Management Services - Wilmington Trust Advisors, Inc
Resolution No. 037-2022: Authorization to Purchase Insurance Policies:  Errors and Omissions, Directors and Officers Liability, Employment Protection Coverage, and a Fidelity Bond
Resolution No. 038-2022: Authorizing Information Technology Services Agreement with Tompkins County - January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023
Resolution No. 039-2022: Authorize Purchase of Stop Loss Insurance for 2023

Actions and Resolutions Archives